First Sundays Knit & Crochet Club

First Sundays Knit & Crochet Club

First Sundays Knit & Crochet Club

Bring your projects, bring your crafty friends and make some new ones!

Knitting, crocheting, hand loom weaving, embroidery, beadwork, or any other small crafts are welcome!

Knit Club is not a workshop. It is a space for knitters and other textile crafters to meet other creatives.


Ages 16 & up

Please sign up! Limited Space available.

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UTEP Ceramics spring sale

UTEP Ceramics spring sale

Excited to announce that Aghaa' Hat Co. has invited the @utep_ceramics student work Spring sale! May 4th 10am-5pm

Location 2301 Alameda Ave - We are so proud of our ceramics students at UTEP! Don't miss this opportunity to see and purchase profound and unique works! @utep_ceramics will be posting the stories of this spring potters UTEP cohort. So make sure to follow!

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Gobernadora Salve & Oil makiing workshop

Gobernadora Salve & Oil makiing workshop

Gobernadora Salve Making Workshop: Living Creosote Bush History with Place-Based Medicine

April 28th 12-2pm

Join me for a workshop on the history of the creosote bush as medicine and learn about the rich history of our desert place while developing your own practice with desert medicine. This will be a 2-hour workshop to converse, share, and make medicine together. You can expect to leave with the ability to make your own salves and oils from the creosote bush and other plants, as well as with a 2-oz salve or oil to take home.

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Indigo Dye Workshop

Indigo Dye Workshop

April 27th 11am-2pm

In this workshop you will learn the history of Indigo, its importance in the lives of our ancestors and application in modern society. In this 3 hr journey, we will be focusing on the development of an Indigo vat, pretreating fabric, and dyeing upcycled T-shirts by creating different patterns in the shibori technique. You will learn upcycling strategies to preserve our world while making beautiful unique clothes and art pieces. The class dives into new and inventive ways to appreciate past, present, and future. The goal is to learn, obtain and pass your knowledge to continue the generational value of the preservation of our communities and our environment.

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